We finally meet, I'm
Daniel Ramírez

Founder of Ramzeis, full stack developer and tech consultant. Just tell me what you want to build and let’s make your dreams come true!

Software development

We ship full scalable software that can survive over a lifetime. We have learned the bests industry practices in order to write clean code that is easy to maintain and modify.

Picture of Daniel Ramírez

Product development

We know how to gather relevant requirements and how to shape your software products quickly so the users are ready to receive what they really want. Tell us more about your business model and we will help you develop your product.

Our software skillset

  • E-commerce

    We have worked on e-commerce sites that must have an special focus on product highlighting, filtering, pagination and payment integrations.

  • Payments integration

    We have integrated payments in multiple apps for multiple platforms, either In App Payments for iOS or Android, or more traditional methods like card payments, Pay Pal payments, etc.

  • Ads integration

    Monetization via ad banners on mobile apps and web apps.

  • SEO

    When writing HTML we like to make correct use of semantic tags and apply other Search Engine Optimization techniques so your website is easily found by the world.

  • Responsiveness

    When developing apps we will always keep in mind every kind of device screen and aspect ratio, so you don’t have to worry about your application looking weird in some devices because it won’t.

  • Accessibility

    We always develop my software thinking in every kind of person. Our applications will always offer accessibility to users who have a disability like blindness, etc.

  • Multiple themes

    We have our own framework for allowing multiple themes inside any kind of app. Either if you want one theme or many themes, we will always leave the code ready for allow multiple themes later.

  • Internationalization

    We know how to properly implement multi language support in any kind of app. Even if our clients does not want their app to allow multiple languages we like to leave the code ready for integrate that feature later.

  • Maps

    We have integrated maps in both mobile apps and web apps either with the native Google Maps API or with third party libraries that make the job easier.

  • Optimization

    We know how to properly optimize applications. Slow and laggy apps shouldn’t exist. We are not talking only about time complexity in the code algorithms, we are talking about preventing unnecessary re-renders and memory leaks.

  • Applied mathematics

    We have learned how to apply advanced mathematics to software development. We know how to use linear algebra to make an adobe illustrator type program or physics to develop movement based games or animations.

  • CSS animations

    We know how to apply some CSS animations that will make your web applications look stunning.

  • Authentication

    We constantly use authentication services like AWS Cognito that will manage all of the authentication hustle for us without making you pay a monthly fortune.

  • Authorization

    We know how to correctly store authorization tokens, how to validate and invalidate them and how to get new tokens from the authentication service.

  • API consumption

    We always apply the best practices regarding API consumption, either our own API or a third party API.

  • Media streaming

    We know how to generate streaming file formats like m3u8, how to store them and serve them to a client application. On mobile devices We have used Expo AV for audio and video playback, including streamed playback.

  • Bundle size reduction

    We try always to make our own components or use the smallest available libraries that won’t make your application bundle too large.

  • Testing

    We will always create the necessary software tests so your app won’t be shipped with bugs. We like to use Jest and React Testing Library in order to write integration tests, hook tests, snapshot testing and many more.

  • File handling

    We have worked on programs that use open formats like JSON for saving the current project and restore the state of the project when opened.

  • Web service integration

    We know how to integrate and manage some AWS and GCP services to web and mobile applications.

  • OAuth

    We know how to allow applications to access user data from external services without sharing login credentials.

  • Complex components

    We know how to create complex components that are library ready like bar charts, custom input fields, dial knobs, audio and video players, etc.

  • Strategic approach

    We will never ship lower quality code with unnecessary complexity just for the sake of shipping code faster. We always take our time to search for the better approach to implement any feature.

  • Deep modules

    Functions, components, endpoints and services must hide a big, complex and useful functionality behind a simple and easy to use interface. That’s our philosophy and we always develop our software accordingly.

  • State management

    We know how to use React Contexts for efficient global state management that does not trigger unnecessary re-renders. We also use Zustand for managing global state.

  • Data caching

    Data received from network requests must be cached so it is not refetched too frequently. We use Axios and TanStack Query to offer the best data caching strategy.

  • Error behaviors

    We like to use React error boundaries in order to customize how all of the possible errors are displayed within your application. We also provide alternatives when an error occurs so your users won’t remain confused.

  • Loading behaviors

    We like to use React suspense boundaries in order to customize every loading scene within your application with lazy loading, loading spinners or content skeletons.

Our mastery tech stack

  • React.js

    If you want us to develop a large scale web application with advanced features such as user authentication, extensive data fetching, complex routing or data driven components.

  • React Native

    If you want us to develop a cross platform mobile application that ships both for Android and iOS devices.

  • Next.js

    If you want us to develop a SEO focused website that mainly offers static UI components and content

  • Node.js

    If you want us to develop a REST API that provides data and services for your client applications or programs

  • DynamoDB

    If you want us to build and manage No-SQL databases for storing all of your business data.

  • AWS

    If you want us to integrate awesome web services to your application that won’t break the bank but still worth the money.

Other tech we use
